Mar 27, 2012

Book Review: Hellbound by Berinn Rae

Hellbound by Berinn Rae
(Guardians of the Seven Seals, #2)
Release Date: March 27, 20120
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press; 230 pages

Everyone has monsters under the bed...
The Seven Seals are said to be all that stands between humanity’s survival and the end of days. Led by a reclusive angel, the Seven are immortals, enhanced by the marks they bear. After centuries of bloodshed, the Seven and their Guardians have brought down the nefarious Dominion. But the world isn’t safe yet. Now, a rogue hellhound is building an army to claim the Seven Seals for himself.

But what if you're one of them?

In one night, Lana Wolfe’s life was destroyed and she was reborn a walking nightmare. A year later, she dedicates her life to destroying others like her. That is, until she discovers Orion Benandanti, the Alpha of all hellhounds and host to the Third Seal. But when the hunter becomes the hunted and Orion’s Seal is put at risk, the only way to survive is for Lana to trust the man who very well may destroy her soul. Will she let him claim her—for the Seal’s protection and for a passion forged in hell’s hottest fires

Hellbound is book #2 in The Guardian of the Seven Seals series. Normally, I do not like books whose sequels and what not do not involve the same characters, but in this series, it doesn't bother me one bit! Gareth and Kerra are mentioned a few times in this book, but they are not the main characters. Orion and Lana are, and WOW, their story is AMAZING!

Right away this book starts off right in the action. Not a fight or anything like that, but it is not as drawn out as Knightfall was. Granted Knightfall was the first, so it had a lot of theme and back building to do. The character of Orion we already knew for we had previously met in Knightfall, so Berinn was able to start the story off fast this time around. Which was really good because I could not stop reading this book!!!!

I would definitely suggest reading Knightfall before this one, as of course it is a series, but you get to learn a lot about Orion from the first book and it helps you understand they things he does in Hellbound. I have to say, I love Lana's attitude in this book. She doesn't take crap from anyone, well not anymore, and Orion isn't any exception. I love their first "human" encounter, and even though its a romance book, it doesn't feel pushed or rushed. You can feel the sexual tension between these two right away. There is one big romance scene in this book, and it TOTALLY fit! It was VERY well written, and fit so well with these two characters and I think it was a great addition to this story.

This story made me cry, certain parts, which I will not mention, don't want to spoil it, the authors knows what I am talking about ;) But also, Lana's back sory is very disheartening and sad. It really makes you pull for her and want good things to happen for her. All and all, I want to live with the Seven and the Guardians! Berinn painted such a beautiful world, although can be ver scary, a world none the less that I would LOVE to be a part of!!

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