If you haven't noticed by now, it's been awfully quiet here at Step Into Fiction. And while I can't speak for my co-bloggers, Sana and Ashley, I'm here to tell you why I've been so distant. No, it has nothing to do with drama or anything of the sort.
See, here's my problem. I love blogging, I really do. It's introduced to me some wonderful people who I am so blessed to have met. Other bloggers, authors, publicists and more. I'm grateful for them all but I feel exhausted. I don't enjoy reading as much as I used to because I feel an obligation to read all these review books I request or I get sent. Obviously, if I requested them I should read them because I personally asked for them but just, sometimes, forcing myself to read it on a deadline (ie: before the book is released) makes me dread reading the book. I miss being able to look up at my bookshelf and just read what I was in the mood for not what book was coming out next.
Don't worry, I'm not quitting blogging - I enjoy it (most of the year) too much.
But here's there the thing. This time of year is always crazy for me, as I'm sure it is for most people. I've been working more, I've been put to work more and I've just been exhausted, physically, that my reading time has been cut down. Then when I do have any free time I'm just not in the mood to read. My reading challenges have paid the price of this and then if I do read a book, sitting down to write the review is like forcing a child to eat food they hate. I want to throw a hissy fit and just pretend to do it before I spit it out later where my parents won't see. I shouldn't be feeling this way when this is something I love.
So here's what I'm doing in 2015. I'm reading more of what I want and less of what I feel I need to read. That also means you'll probably be seeing less reviews from me but I'm always around. I'm not quitting and I'm not terribly unhappy - just stressed. I know most of us bloggers have felt this way at least once if not, more than once. It's not a fun feeling and while we're not getting paid for this, it's like a second job with how much work goes in to blogging. I need to get back to me enjoying reading which means I need to start reading more of what I want to read.
I have a series sitting on my shelf, actually I have two, that I've really been wanting to get to but I haven't had the time because of me feeling obligated to review books. I really want to get to these books before I'm spoiled by something huge. I'm surprised I haven't been yet and honestly, I'd like to keep it that way. (If you're wondering is the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo and the Firelight trilogy by Sophie Jordan I'm dying to read but haven't)
I hope those of you who frequent my blog will continue to do so. Maybe this way I'll even have more time to be more interactive on the blog because it's definitely something I need to improve on. I hope you all understand where I'm coming from and I appreciate everything. I wasn't lying with my last giveaway - I appreciate every single person who comes across my blog. Whether they come back or they don't, I appreciate you all.