Heather Marie lives in Northern California with her husband, and spends the majority of her time at home reading. Before she followed her dreams of becoming a writer, Heather worked as a hairstylist and makeup artist for several years. Although she enjoyed the artistic aspect of it all, nothing quite quenched her creative side like the telling of a good story. When the day had come for her to make a choice, she left behind her promising career to start another, and never looked back.
How does it feel to have your debut novel written and being released?
Pretty damn amazing. I’ve come so far. It’s almost unbelievable, actually. I don’t think it’s quite set in yet. Sometimes I’m still processing that it’s really happening. Part of me believes it won’t fully process until August 30th when I’m signing copies at the launch party. Then it’ll be for realsies.
What made you decide to give up your old career for the career path of a writer?
I’ve always known I would give up on hair. To be honest, I was never passionate about it. Makeup artistry is what I loved most, but I didn’t get to do a whole lot of that. Hair only came into play because it was the only way I could get anywhere with what I was doing at the time.
Books and writing have always been the two things I’ve loved since I can remember. I used to tell myself that one day I’d be an author, but I just didn’t know how. That sounds silly now, but as a kid it was so unrealistic. It wasn’t an easy transition leaving my career behind, though I’ll never regret doing so. I’ve never been happier doing what I love and pursuing something that I actually wanted to do for once in my life. There was a time when I let too many people tell what I should do, that I lost sight of what was in my heart.
Never again.
Do you have any interesting things in the works for your next book?
I’m working on something that I’ve kept Top Secret. It’s easier for me to not talk about it and not let others in too much because I don’t want to be influenced by anyone else’s books or ideas. What I can tell you is that I’m very excited about this one and it is a little different for me, though still supernatural. I can’t wait to share!
Cliché question, but who is your favorite author? Book?
I’m a sucker for V.C. Andrews. My Sweet Audrina is one of my favorites of hers, along with Vittorio by Anne Rice. The thing I love about V.C. Andrews, though, is how she tests the boundaries. She often wrote about things that would otherwise disturb other people and somehow turned those ideas into incredibly gripping stories. I respect her as an author and for someone who wasn’t afraid to take risks.
Is there a book you have read, that not a lot of others have and you wish that they would?
Oh, god, yes. The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read. The story itself is absolutely unique and her prose is simply fabulous. With the Paris backdrop, shmexy gargoyle-men, and truly intriguing paranormal setting, that book had me eating it up. This did not get enough attention as far as I know. It deserved so much more. I can’t wait to read book two in the series!
Would you like to live in the world you created in your book?
If it means living in Portland, Oregon… heck yeah! As for all the creepy Bleeders (dead people) and lurking shadows? Hm… I don’t know if I’m brave enough for all that. LOL
Which author would you love to go on a book tour with?
So many. My goodness. Page Morgan, for one. Nova Ren Suma, absolutely. Leigh Bardugo would be a delight as well!
What are you hoping people take away from your book?
This is going to sound so lame, but I just hope they enjoy it. It’s my first real-book-baby making it out into the world and I want to be able to write until I grow old. What people take away from it is up to them. Everyone has their own perspective. I’d hate to tell someone what they should think after reading it, because that ruins the reading experience. That’s how I feel about it anyway.
Dystopian or Sci-Fi? Sci-Fi. Across the Universe OMG!
YA or NA? YA, always.
Summer or Winter? Winter, hands down.
Pepsi or Coke? I gotta be honest, I think I’m a Coca Cola kind of girl.
Cake or Pie? Pie! The crust is my favorite part.
Good or Evil? What fun is there in being Good? Evil, for sure.
eBook or Physical book? Two years ago I would have said eBook. Now n’ days I can’t get enough of my (physical) library books.
Rain or Shine? “I’m only happy when it rains.”
Group Signings or Individual Signings? I haven’t done any yet, so I’ll have to get back to you on this. Group signings do sound like a lot of fun, though!
Thank you so much Heather for taking the time to answer the interview and this or that. I'm really excited for your Debut novel,and I know it'll be a hit!!