Mar 2, 2013

Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers Review

Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
(His Fair Assassin, #2)
Release Date: April 2, 2013
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books; 400 pages
Sybella arrives at the convent’s doorstep half mad with grief and despair. Those that serve Death are only too happy to offer her refuge—but at a price. Naturally skilled in both the arts of death and seduction, the convent views Sybella as one of their most dangerous weapons.

But those assassin’s skills are little comfort when the convent returns her to a life that nearly drove her mad. Her father’s rage and brutality are terrifying, and her brother’s love is equally monstrous. And while Sybella is a weapon of justice wrought by the god of Death himself, He must give her a reason to live. When she discovers an unexpected ally imprisoned in the dungeons, will a daughter of Death find something other than vengeance to live for?

This heart-pounding sequel to Grave Mercy serves betrayal, treachery, and danger in equal measure, bringing readers back to fifteenth century Brittany and will keep them on the edge of their seats.

Before I get in to my review, I must say that this was my absolute favorite quote, as it says quite a lot about both our main characters. Plus, it also made laugh...quite a bit. "What do you know of such things? I am likely one of the few maids who have not run from your ugly face." I wanted to hug her when she said that.

That being said oh my gosh, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this book as much as Grave Mercy. Granted, I gave Grace Mercy a 4 star rating because I felt it was just a tad too slow in the beginning but now that I've almost a year to sit on that, I'm wondering what I was thinking? It should've been higher. Regardless, I fell in love with Ismae and Duval; to see this book involve neither one of them (or so I thought), I was a little skeptical. Now I know, never doubt what the writer could do. Cause oh my gosh, I am in love...absolutely and utter love with this book. Like, I was fan girling somehow, but I was. Sybella is pretty kick ass, just like Ismae but not as reserved or inexperienced.

Her family situation is pretty disturbing. Her first kiss was with her older brother, Pierre and it's just...gross. Then she had her other older brother, Julian, who was her best friend, to deal with. Once he hit a certain age, he started treating her differently and not in a good way. He's always had her best interests at heart and protected her against their awful father, but his love for her changed. She used his feelings to her advantage at times but other times, she was shaking with fear.

We go through a lot before she even finds out about the mysterious prisoner being held. I know we've all been holding our breaths since the synopsis of Dark Triumph was released that he was Beast. It had to be, right? *highlight to view spoiler* I'm not sure if this would be a spoiler but I imagined it would so I will keep it hidden. In fact, it is Beast and I was never more ecstatic to see him. But to see him in the condition he was in, was...disheartening. He's always been, well, such a beast and so strong. However, it is Sybella's new assignment to save the prisoner. Whether it would be a quick death to save his suffering or to make sure he had a safe journey back. She never intended to go with him... *end spoiler*

Sybella is taken on this journey away from Nantes to the Duchess. And let me tell you, it was such a great adventure to be on. You get to see just how deadly of an assassin she is and how she seems to enjoy her job. She can kill with the biggest grin on her face whereas most people would probably end up sick with the things she did. She is definitely not someone you'd want to come across in a dark, abandoned alley. It is more exciting to see her reunited with Ismae and how much I realized I loved their friendship. We are reunited with all our favorite characters from Grave Mercy and it puts an even bigger smile on our faces.

I just ..I can't get over how much I loved this book and how I never wanted it to end. So much action, so much death, so much love especially between Ismae and Sybella. So much of everything that we would want after having read Grave Mercy. I do believe I might love Sybella and her mysterious prisoner more than Ismae and Duval. Maybe. It's hard to tell. I love them all to bits and pieces.

Next book, in 2014, we get to see Annith, which I figured while reading this but it makes me so excited to see. I am hoping she ends up where Ismae and Sybella are...the three of them together again would just be perfect.

You must read Grave Mercy. I think for any YA fan, it is a must. Even if you're not the biggest fan of historical fiction (that would be me) but there is a paranormal aspect to it that I think will satisfy just about any reader. Once you read Grave Mercy, dive right in to Dark Triumph and fall in love all over again. I dare you not to like this.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this review. Thank you! I'm so excited for Dark Triumph to come out.


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