Last night was the New York tour stop of the Breathless Reads tour! I have been looking forward to this book signing for quite some time. I am very thankful to Penguin Teen for putting this tour together. I am also thankful to Books of Wonder for hosting yet another amazing event.
For this event a representative from Entertainment Weekly was there. She was the moderate for the Q&A. She asked a few questions of her own, and then opened the floor to the audience to ask questions. I must admit, I was pretty impressed with a lot of her questions. I've gone to quite a few books signings now, and you could really tell that she is a fan of the young adult book genre.
Fiona Paul, Lili Peloquin, Beth Revis, Morgan Rhodes, Elizabeth Richards, Jessica Spotswood
Jessica Spotswood talked about reading e-mails from fans. She said that authors absolutely love that, and you should never feel like you're bothering an author when e-mailing them. I think that's something that's very important for fans to know. There have been plenty of times where I want to e-mail an author and let them know how much I've enjoyed a book, but then you start to doubt if that's a good idea. And it's nice to see how much authors love interacting with fans of their books.
Elizabeth Richards and myself
The authors were also asked what they were currently working on. Most of them are currently working on the third book in their current series, along with getting ready for the release of the second book in their series.
I think one of the things I enjoyed the most about this signing was the camaraderie of the authors. They've all been on tour with each for quite awhile now, and you can see how close they've gotten to one another. It's definitely fascinating to see, and it must have been nice for any aspiring authors to see while there.
Myself and Fiona Paul
After the Q&A the signing took place. Now I had a lot of books. Jessica couldn't make it to the signing, so I had my books along with hers. But luckily I didn't have to bring them all up at once, in fact I think I did 3 trips in total to the author's signing table.
The Breathless Reads tour was such a fun event! I also got extra books signed for the readers of this blog. So be sure to check back here for some giveaways!