Mailbox Mondays was originated by Marcia @ A Girl & Her Books. This month it is currently hosted at Lori's Reading Corner. You can check out all the blogs it'll be hosted at for the rest of 2013 here!
FYI I have about 40 books on backlog that I need to finish reading. I am not allowing myself to buy too many books until I finish reading these books. So for the next few months when it's my turn for Mailbox Mondays, they may be a little short.

I'm really into indie authors that are new to the scene, and Layla James is one of them. This book took me two hours to finish, and I was pleasantly surprised and entertained the whole time.
A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger 

Kody Keplinger is one of those authors that are always going to be on my shelf. Her writing style is great, while her story line is always realistic and entertaining.