Jan 20, 2013

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes Review + Giveaway

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
(Falling Kingdoms, #1)
Release Date: December 11, 2012
Publisher: Razorbill; 412 pages
In a land where magic has been forgotten but peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest is simmering. Three kingdoms grapple for power—brutally transforming their subjects' lives in the process. Amidst betrayals, bargains, and battles, four young people find their fates forever intertwined:

Cleo: A princess raised in luxury must embark on a rough and treacherous journey into enemy territory in search of a magic long thought extinct.

Jonas: Enraged at injustice, a rebel lashes out against the forces of oppression that have kept his country impoverished—and finds himself the leader of a people's revolution centuries in the making.

Lucia: A girl adopted at birth into a royal family discovers the truth about her past—and the supernatural legacy she is destined to wield.

Magnus: Bred for aggression and trained to conquer, a firstborn son begins to realize that the heart can be more lethal than the sword. . . .

The only outcome that's certain is that kingdoms will fall. Who will emerge triumphant when all they know has collapsed?

It's not too often that I pick up a book and enjoy it from start to finish.  But Falling Kingdoms was definitely an amazing read from the very beginning.  I was lucky enough to pick this book up at San Diego Comic Con back in July 2012.  I can't tell you how angry I am at myself that I let this book sit on my book shelf for so long.  Because I truly loved every minute I spent reading this book.

Falling Kingdoms is a story about 3 kingdoms that were once united, Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia.  Auranos is the wealthiest of the lands, Limeros is moderately wealthy, and Paelsia is the poorest.  After a tragic event that happens early on in the story, the three kingdoms who normally do not have much contact with each other are bound to now cross paths.  As a reader you are treated to reading different points of views of four characters.  Cleo a princess from Auranos, Jonas a strong but poor boy from Paelsia, and Lucia and Magnus prince and princess siblings from Limeros.

I enjoyed reading the different povs from each character.  Each of the four leads are so different that it makes for such an interesting read.  You would think that this would be confusing.  But surprisingly I really wasn't confused because it was all the connected to the same plot.  This event early on caused a ripple in their lives that slowly put them on similar paths.

My favorite character was definitely Cleo.  Cleo was named after one of the two Goddess from a long time ago.  Cleo is fiery and assertive, and will not take no for an answer.  Yes there were times in which she was a little bratty, but as a reader you are reminded that she is only 16 years old.  Cleo fights for what she believes in, and will do anything to protect those she loves, even if it cost her her own life in return.  I found myself rooting for her during many scenes while reading.

I do admit that it was a little difficult reading one of the characters point of views.  I feel that as a reader we watched this character spiral out of control.  There were times in which it was truly painful to see the change in the person.  At one point there was even a time in which I wanted to individual to die after a certain event.

There were so many emotions running through me as I read this book.  There were times in which I was happy, I was sad, and others that were just painfully gutwrenching.  But that's what makes a good book.  I love the story telling of this series, and I can't wait to read the next one.


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