Nov 8, 2012

Out For Blood by Kristen Painter Review

Out for Blood by Kristen Painter
(House of Comarré, #4)
Release Date: October 30, 2012
Publisher: Orbit; 446 pages
After nearly dying at the hands of the Aurelian, Chrysabelle finds new determination to move beyond life as a comarré. That is until the Kubai Mata bring a new task to her doorstep: rescue the child Tatiana has kidnapped, or Mal becomes enemy number one.

Oh. I am still recovering from finishing the next to last installment in the House of Comarré series. The author did an amazing job at adding twists along the way. There was one point, near the beginning, where I was blindsided and then one toward the end where she really threw me for one. It hasn't happened much lately, where an author can throw curve balls at me that I hadn't at least suspected. But damn, kudos to Kristen Painter for this. My mind is still trying to grasp the last curve ball...that

However, while my mind is still reeling over those surprises, it's also weeping. Yes, my mind (and the rest of me) are weeping. The ending was like a stake to my heart. With one more book left though, I know it will all work out. Well, maybe not all of it but what matters most to me, better work out! :)

This book is filled with a lot of craziness of what people are willing to do for family. Basically every character is dealing with something family related and they all go through different lengths to make sure they protect those they care for most. It's very touching though sometimes idiotic. But, like they say, people go to great lengths to protect those they love and it's the absolute truth.

I do have to say this is probably the first book where I didn't mind reading from Tatiana's point of view whereas all the previous books I was just like argh, enough of you. Taking care of Lilith surely has changed her and not for the better. (Well, I mean that in the sense that she's not as cold as she once was, which will be her downfall)

If you like vampires and are looking for something different and maybe more mature, then I highly recommend this series. Though it's categorized as adult, I do believe younger readers can also enjoy it.  There are so many characters in this series for you to fall in love with and let me tell you, I think you'll find yourself attached to most everyone. I know I have.

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