Jul 30, 2012

Döckálfar Review by Saga Berg

Döckálfar by Saga Berg
(Nordic Fairies, #3)
Release Date: July 10, 2012
Publisher: Saga Berg; 55 pages

The third part of Nordic Fairies, Döckálfar, continues where the second part, Freja, left off. Alrik comes to visit Svala and warns her about the dangerous path Viggo is on, infiltrating himself with the Döckálfar. We learn what happened to Viggo during World War II and get more information about his relationship with Amanda Jones. Viggo also contacts Svala with some unexpected news and insist they meet up. Svala then receives some more unexpected information about Amanda and Viggo, leaving her unsure about who she can trust.

Part three in the Nordic Fairies series is filled with shocking discoveries, secrecy and some jealousy.

Döckálfar is the third book in the Nordic Fairies series. I am always excited for the next book with this series, for one, they are novellas so they are fast reads, but I am always wondering what is going to happen with next Svala, Viggo and Freja. Each book keeps you wanting more!

This book does take off again right where Freja left off, but it is rather confusing. At the end of Freja I had just assumed that they were in present time, not in one of their past lives that Viggo and Svala had, so that right off the bat confused me. It didn't however really take away from the story for me. Just made me think about the ending of Freja to make sure I read it right. These two have been through so much in their many lives and it seems like there are forces trying to keep them apart, for what reason I am not sure. Do they want to punish Viggo and Svala for some unknown reason or is their plan to try and make then come over to "the dark side", or the Döckálfar side.

The character of Amanda Jones is still a bit of a mystery to me. She seems to be on the side of the Döckálfar, but it doesn't seem like she really wants to be there? I'm not sure. With the flash back that Viggo has to when he first met her, that is the impression I am getting, or is it all a ruse to get him to change sides? I don't know, but the way she acts with Viggo and Svala, I am not liking her too much.

Overall, I loved this book, I did however get confused a lot with places and times, so that is why I didn't give this book a 5/5. However this is a series I totally recommend you all to pick up and judge for yourself. I am very happy with this book and I cannot wait until the next one in the Nordic Fairies series!

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