Aug 8, 2014

Catacombs by Devon Ashley Release Event Giveaway

Catacombs by Devon Ashley
(The Immortal Archives, #3)
Release Date: August 4, 2014
Publisher: Self; 365 pages
No one will hear her scream.

More than five years have passed since Emily was accidentally infected with the blood of a pure vampire. Now a member of this elite secret organization, it’s time for her to run her trials and determine her place within the hierarchy. After an awkward evening with her leader Gaius, she wants nothing more than to get back to teaching at the Warrior school for demon hunters. But before she even has the chance to leave, she, Noel and Abby are all summoned to deal with the organization’s dirty little secret. Something deadly has been trapped within the catacombs beneath their headquarters for centuries, waiting for the day to wreak vengeance. That day has finally come – and the horror of what lies beneath may destroy them all.

New Adult Urban Fantasy.

To help celebrate the long awaited third book in the Immortal Archives series, Catacombs, we're helping Devon Ashley by hosting a giveaway and an exclusive excerpt.

“Hold this please,” Emily asked Abby, passing her drink over. She reached down, pulled the small dagger out of the band securing it to her thigh, then twisted and flung it toward the group. I knew this dagger would come in handy. It nailed its mark, slicing right through the hat with the ridiculous feathers sprouting from it, lifting it off the head of the snooty blonde and pinning it against the wall. All five women screamed, some throwing their hands over the hearts, some dropping their drinks, some even fanning themselves else they suffer a fall from the vapors. All made a fuss and pretended to be aghast, drawing the attention of the entire ballroom.

“Sorry, but that hat is atrocious. Consider it a favor, one sister to another.” Emily mocked them with a curtsey, throwing a fake smile for good measure.

Abby’s face was frozen, her eyebrows permanently north as she assessed Emily’s snapped moment. Retrieving her drink, Emily asked nonchalantly, “What? Too much?”

The fiery redhead’s chuckle remained in her throat, but her smile ran wide. “Not at all. I find your flair quite amusing. But I suspect some of those women might need to go change their unmentionables now.”

“I don’t think those women wear unmentionables.”

The room slowly came back to life, the music starting up again. Emily hadn’t even noticed her antics got it to pause. Some were still determining what to make of her, but hopefully none would be interested in taking her on now anymore. Blades were fair game in this house, and she knew how to handle them well.

“I do believe Vesper got a kick out of your little tantrum,” Abby remarked, tipping her head to another group of women off to the side. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her. She’s one of the few I actually like.” With a wicked wink of the eye, she added, “One of those water fairies who love to drown people.”

She would like that, Emily thought, trying not to let her amusement show. “Like a siren?”

“Nope. More like kelpie. Do you wanna come meet her?”

“Pass. In case you missed the memo,” she said, throwing her thumb over her shoulder to point at the hat abandoned by its owner, “I’m not really in a friendly state of mind. I’d only make her wanna drag me to those fountains out front.”
Abby chuckled evilly. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Lucky for you she’s not that strong out of water. Are you gonna retreat to your hideaway or stay and scare everyone for a bit?”

“Think I’ll stay and amuse myself. There are plenty of bridges in need of burning,” Emily said coolly.

Abby just shook her head as she walked off, heading toward the young woman with long plaited hair that draped over her shoulder. It was silver, but had this beautiful turquoise sheen to it when it moved. Her skin was so fair it was almost gray in pallor, yet had a luminescence to it that just drew your gaze. Vesper’s silver eyes met hers and the damn things actually twinkled. Emily was overwhelmed with the sensation of wanting to know her, to stand beside her. Her tiny little frame wasn’t something to be feared, but to be worshipped. Envied.

Emily’s head shook roughly, breaking the hold the water fairy seemed to have on her eyes. Note to self. Never look a fairy directly in the eyes. It was always the beautiful ones who did you in.

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