Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
(Fire & Flood, #1)
Release Date: February 25, 2014
Publisher: Scholastic Press; 320 pages
A modern day thrill ride, where a teen girl and her animal companion must participate in a breathtaking race to save her brother's life—and her own.
Tella Holloway is losing it. Her brother is sick, and when a dozen doctors can't determine what's wrong, her parents decide to move to Montana for the fresh air. She's lost her friends, her parents are driving her crazy, her brother is dying—and she's helpless to change anything.
Until she receives mysterious instructions on how to become a Contender in the Brimstone Bleed. It's an epic race across jungle, desert, ocean, and mountain that could win her the prize she desperately desires: the Cure for her brother's illness. But all the Contenders are after the Cure for people they love, and there's no guarantee that Tella (or any of them) will survive the race.
The jungle is terrifying, the clock is ticking, and Tella knows she can't trust the allies she makes. And one big question emerges: Why have so many fallen sick in the first place?
About Victoria:
Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe of the Harvey-Klinger Literary Agency. She’s the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Israel, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Taiwan, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.
Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.
First, let me gush about this cover. The ARC cover doesn't have the water in the title, but I used to think that cover was brilliant. Then they released the final cover and I couldn't believe such a small change could improve a cover so much but it really did. The effect of the water drops in the title is just brilliant and beautiful. For a cover so simple, it really speaks to the reader. It caught my attention and I'm certain it would catch just about anyone's attention while sitting on a shelf in a bookstore.
That being said, the story inside the cover was just as brilliant. I do have to say I am a bigger fan of the second half of the book than the first half. There are four sections of the Brimstone Bleed and we get to experience half of it during this book. The first challenge, while difficult just didn't have the same excitement as the second half. I think it's because we were learning, along with our narrator, Tella, what exactly the Brimstone Bleed is and just how dangerous this chance is for each contestant. Let me back up a minute here and explain some things.
Tella grew up in Boston and hardly spent a great amount of time with just family but that changed when he older brother, Cody, suddenly got sick and none of the doctor's could figure out what was wrong with him. He's dying and no one has any idea from what. The family up and moved to Montana and they're without television, cell phones, laptops, internet - basically, they're living in the past and all the company she has is her family. While they've gotten closer she's ready for something more. That's when she gets this exciting chance to be a part of this race for a the Cure that will save her brothers life the only problem is, she's not sure if it's real and her parents obviously don't want her going.
I thought this book was going to be a lot like Hunger Games because that's how it was sounding but it really is nothing like it. There's a ton of violence but it's necessary and while there is some children killing other children it's not something that you see happen often in this book. Most of the deaths aren't caused by the other contestants.
I fell in love with Guy, who is just so dark and mysterious that you can't help but be curious about him the first time you lay eyes on him. Tella is hilarious. She's the type of girl you'd want to be friends with. The one who is so vain about her appearance but knows how to make people laugh and everyone have a great time. Harper, who is stunningly beautiful, is also a fierce warrior with a huge secret. Levi and Ransom are down right entertaining. Two twins who don't know what serious is. Caroline and Dink who are absolutely adorable.
This is a must read for any fan of books with action, suspense, mystery and lots of drama.
Thank you so much to Scholastic for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Rockstar Book Tours for allowing me to take part in this fantastic tour.
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