To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?
Here are my answers:
What are you currently reading? Trust in Me by J. Lynn. I was debating about waiting for this to come out in paperback but I said screw it and ordered the kindle version as well as pre-ordering the paperback. I'm impatient and I loved
Wait For You so much, I needed to read more.
What did you recently finish reading? Wait For You by J. Lynn. If you've looked at the books I've read recently, you'll see I'm on a sort of Jennifer Armentrout binge and I've been wanting to read this book for sometime so I finally did. I've had a lot of reading freedom this month and I've taken advantage of it.
What do you think you'll read next? Cress by Marissa Meyer. I wish this was a series I reviewed (one of my blogmates wanted to review it and never ended up doing it) because it's a favorite of mine. Scarlet was amazing and I was lucky enough to have a friend lend this to me so I can
obsess I mean, read it...
I'm super jealous. I'd love to read a copy of Cress. Well, I guess I need to read Scarlet first!