(A Little Too Far, #2)
Release Date: November 12, 2013
Publisher: William Morrow; 416 pages
In the follow-up to Lisa Desrochers’ explosive New Adult novel A Little too Far, Alessandro Moretti must face the life he escaped and the girl he loved and left behind.If you have NOT read A Little Too Far, please read with caution. There are some spoilers that were unavoidable. Proceed with caution . . .
Twenty-two year old Hilary McIntyre would like nothing more than to forget her past. As a teenager abandoned to the system, she faced some pretty dark times. But now that’s all behind her. Hilary has her life on track, and there’s no way she’ll head back down that road again.
Until Alessandro Moretti—the one person who can make her remember—shows up on her doorstep. He’s even more devastatingly gorgeous than before, and he’s much too close for comfort. Worse, he sees right through the walls she’s built over these last eight years, right into her heart and the secrets she’s guarding.
As Hilary finds herself falling back into love with the man who, as a boy both saved and destroyed her, she must decide. Past or future? Truth or lies?
Due to sexual content this book is recommended for readers 17 and older.
As much as I loved Trent and Lexie from the first book (which I REALLY did) and wouldn't have minded more from them (which I would've); I was excited to see Alessandro get his own book. And while I was really excited that he was going back to find the one person in his life that ever meant anything to him, especially during the horrible teenage years he spent mourning his father and living in a group home but I have to say, I was disappointed. I didn't really care for Hilary, it took a lot of the book for me to warm up to her, even in the slightest. So many times I was like Alessandro, walk away . . . you deserve better than this. Sometimes, I still think it.
I totally understand that Hilary has had an even worse past than Alessandro and that can really do a number on a person but she was just downright cruel to him. Leaving her wasn't his choice. He was a minor and his grandparents were taking him away but yet she blamed him for it. That's something that really irritated me, I mean, he at least said goodbye and gave you warning. But she really held a lot against him and I just didn't think it was fair. For him or for her, really. See, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. No matter what might have happened to you in your past, everyone deserves a second chance and more importantly, everyone deserves happiness.
Alessandro isn't perfect, we found that out in A Little Too Far but we also found out how great of a guy he's turned out to be. He's amazing, he truly is. A gentleman in it's truest form. He comes back to make amends for things that happened in his early teen years and how many people can say they done that? No matter how much guilt they've carried around, have you ever gone and try to make things right? Not many can answer yes, I can assure you that. He holds the door, helps Hilary in to her jacket, protects her even if she doesn't need it and is considerate of her needs/wants. He's also extremely respectful of the fact that she has a boyfriend, whose an ass but that's not really the point.
Speaking of the boyfriend, Brett, I don't believe a word he said. He says he was faithful but I don't believe it for a second and neither did Hilary. But she wasn't with him for love she was with him for sex and an in for Broadway, that was it. When most girls would've been jealous or pissed with what he was doing she just didn't care that should be a warning flag right there. If you don't care he's lying to you and probably out there sleeping with a different girl every night then you should probably let go of all ties and try to find someone that does make you have those feelings. But she can't because she boxed all of her emotions out and how is that any way to live? It's not.
While Hilary was a hard pill to swallow a lot of the times I do like the story this book had to offer. While it had a few surprises that weren't as surprising as one would think what I liked most was how persistent Alessandro was. Not on getting her to fall for him but just for getting her forgiveness and trying to make things right. You can tell he cares for her and has never stopped caring for her.
It was definitely a great read though it wasn't as good as A Little Too Far but if you love Alessandro, like I'm sure you do, you'll want to read this story and see more of his struggle for not only his happily every after but his struggle on finding himself and his purpose now that he's given up priesthood.
Thank you so much to Abigail from William Morrow for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!