Sep 28, 2013

Blog Tour Skeleton & Dust by Rhiannon Paille

Skeleton & Dust by Rhiannon Paille
(The Ferryman and The Flame, #.5)
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Publisher: Rhiannon Paille; 100 pages

In the First Era, before Kaliel and Krishani fell in love, Tor runs. He escapes the Land of Kings and the tyrannical Valtanyana. In the depths of Tempia he forges weapons-- The Flames-- strong enough to oppose the Kings he betrayed.

Aria, The Amethyst Flame, cannot touch the living or the dead and her kin are silent ghosts. Hidden in a cairn deep in the haunted forest, Aria becomes obsessed with the Ferryman, the only boy who can feel her touch.

Before Aria knows it, The Flames, The Ferryman and Tor are swept up in the first war against the Valtanyana.

This book was very much into a paranormal fantasy world compared to the last few books that I have read. There wasn't anything particular wrong with this book. For me, maybe it has been the books that I have been reading, but this world just felt really far out there and I had a bit of a hard time getting lost in this world. This book is a novella and a prequel, and from what I can tell these characters are not in the series, so I was also confused by that part as well.

The evolution on Aria, the Amethyst flame was pretty cool. She started out something so intangible and by the end of the book, she is almost human. I didn't quite understand all of the flames and the special dust that Tor uses to create them, but I did like how they all evolved and became something more then just weapons.

I'm not sure if these characters are seen in any other books, but I would love to read more about them. I want to know if they died, or did they go into another world, or what exactly happened to all of them. I would definitely like to continue the series to see what happens to everyone. I don't know if I would start out with this book first in the series, even though it is a prequel, I think reading thje first book first may help. But I am intrigued by this series!

About the Author-
Rhiannon is an up and coming Indie Author that writes Young Adult Fantasy books and some non fiction. She has a PhD in Metaphysical Science and Parapsychology. When she’s not writing books she’s reading minds, singing karaoke, burning dinner and sipping iced cappuccino despite her allergy to coffee. Some day she’d like to own a unicorn—as long as it doesn’t eat her. She's sold over 25,000 copies of her books worldwide.


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