Sep 30, 2013

Blog Tour: Allure by Lea Nolan Review + Giveaway

Allure by Lea Nolan
(The Hoodoo Apprentice, #2)
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Publisher: Entangled Teen; 304 pages
Worst. Summer. Ever.

Emma Guthrie races to learn the hoodoo magic needed to break The Beaumont Curse before her marked boyfriend Cooper's sixteenth birthday. But deep in the South Carolina Lowcountry, dark, mysterious forces encroach, conspiring to separate Emma and Cooper forever. When Cooper starts to change, turning cold and indifferent, Emma discovers that both his heart and body are marked for possession by competing but equally powerful adversaries.

Desperate to save him, Emma and her twin brother, Jack, risk their lives to uncover the source of the black magic that has allured Cooper and holds him in its grip. Face with the horror of a soul-eating boohag, Emma and Jack must fight to resist its fiendish power to free Cooper long enough to join their strengths and face it together, before it destroys them all.

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Lea Nolan writes the kinds of stories she sought as a teen—smart paranormals with bright heroines, crazy-hot heroes, diabolical plot twists, plus a dose of magic, a draft of romance, and a sprinkle of history. She holds degrees in history and women’s studies concentrating in public policy and has spent nearly twenty years as a health policy analyst and researcher. She lives in Maryland with her heroically supportive husband and three clever children.

You can learn more about Lea on her website, on Facebook, Twitter and on Goodreads.

My biggest issue with Conjure was the ages of these characters and while it's still an issue, for me, it's not as big of one during Allure. I'd actually consider this series borderline Middle Grade and Young Adult. Not only because of the ages because of the content and the dialogue. This isn't a bad thing; I've reviewed MG before and it's fine; you just have to go in to it with a different mindset. But let's put the ages aside and talk about the book because, let's be honest, that's what it's all about. I really enjoyed Allure; a lot more than Conjure, actually. Can't say I didn't see a lot of it coming but she was able to slip one in on me that I didn't suspect . . .

I love, absolutely love the relationship between twin siblings Jack and Emma. I've always wanted to be a twin just to be able to experience that twin bond that most share (though, my luck I'd get a twin that didn't share that bond and it would've been all for nothing). I don't remember getting to see a whole lot of that during Conjure - well at least not where Jack was always having Emma's back and protecting her. Then we add Cooper to the mix and it's like the icing on the cake. Not only is he Jack's best friend but he's also currently Emma's boyfriend, though he's nealry two year older.

Allure picks off where Conjure left off - we're still trying to find a cure for the curse put on the Beaumont family; where once any Beaumont man turns sixteen his soul is ripped from his body and everything changes. It's been happening for three hundred years but the Guthrie's love Cooper the way he is now, the perfect southern gentleman, and they can't risk him losing all that he is. Emma is willing to go to any lengths to save the one she loves most but it's never that easy, is it?

We're introduced to two new and interesting characters. Taneea, who is Miss Delia's great-grand daughter and such a hot mess. As soon as she was introduce I suspected there would be trouble in paradise for Emma and Cooper - I wanted to be wrong and just think she'd settle for Jack because he's a nice guy, right? But she's not the worst of our worries - oh no, it's this new investigator that's been brought in to town to look in to the break in at the museum recently. Claude Corbeau - you'll be smart to remember this name, it's someone we come across quite frequently and honestly, I haven't figured him out yet. I'm not sure what his deal is or what his end game is but I can tell you one thing - I can't wait to find out.

As always, I love Miss Delia. She may be in his 90's but that woman will put you in your place like you've never seen before. Honestly, I'd be afraid of her - she's not someone I'd want to mess with. But she's so awesome and very important to the story and especially for Emma.

I really liked Allure - it definitely drew me in more to the story and it was just a very fun, enjoyable read. If you haven't read Conjure yet, I definitely think you should do that if you're looking for something fun, something easy and something involving magic (specifically Hoodoo). This is definitely a great second book and it's something that grabs your attention more, making you want more from these characters in the next book.

Thank you so much to Rockstar Book Tours for allowing me to be a part of this tour. Y'all are awesome, as always. And a big thank you to Entangled for allowing me the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Always a pleasure to work with everyone there!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can check out the rest of the tour below!

Week One:
9/30/2013- Cuddlebuggery - Guest Post
9/30/2013- Step Into Fiction- Review- Allure
10/1/2013- I am a Reader- Interview
10/1/2013- Just a Booklover- Review Conjure
10/2/2013- Candace's Book Blog- Guest Post
10/2/2013- Endless Reading-Review- Conjure and Allure
10/3/2013- Fantasy Book Addict- Interview
10/3/2013- Bookworm in Boots- Review- Allure
10/4/2013- Fiktshun- Guest Post
10/4/2013- A Dream Within A Dream- Review- Conjure or Allure

Week Two:
10/7/2013- URBAN FANTASY LAND - Guest Post
10/7/2013- Fade Into Fantasy- Interview
10/8/2013- Jenuine Cupcakes- Interview
10/8/2013- Reading Rainblog- Review- Conjure or Allure
10/9/2013- The Cover Contessa- Interview
10/9/2013- Faerie Tale Books- Review Conjure or Allure
10/10/2013- Fangirlish- Guest Post
10/10/2013- BookHounds YA-  Interview
10/11/2013- Mundie Moms- Guest Post
10/11/2013- vvb32 reads- Review- Conjure and Allure

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