Mar 4, 2013

Mailbox Monday #37

Mailbox Mondays was originated by Marcia @ A Girl & Her Books. This month it is currently hosted at Chaotic Compendiums. You can check out all the blogs it'll be hosted at for the rest of 2013 here!

Breaking Point by Kristen Simmons

If I wasn't so behind on reading some of my ARCs I would've devoured this already but it's coming up to my to-read list and I cannot wait.

Fragments by Dan Wells

I danced around the house when this came in; honestly, I did. It's my next book to read - I had to skip it to the front of the pile because I've been waiting for this...

Arclight by Josin L. McQuein

One of my many ARCs on my tbr pile but I can't wait to read this. I heard it was just optioned for film, it sounds good and that cover is just...awesome.

The Ward by Jordana Frankel

I can't wait to read this, not only does it sound good but this cover is just It's definitely a cover that grabs your attention.

The Ends Games by T. Michael Martin

This sounds good and a bit different than what I normally read. The cover is creepy and I hope the book is just as creepy.

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

Do I need to even say anything for this? I loved The Immortal Rules and I seriously cannot wait to read this. I won't comment on the cover though...because I'm sticking to saying nice things ;) .

Reboot by Amy Tintera

This one I was told about by my friend and when I went back to read the synopsis, I knew I wanted to read it. I can't wait.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I NEED the next book. I've already read Scarlet and I fell in love with it and the characters we met or already knew. Seriously, it was so much better than Cinder & Cinder was pretty awesome.

Rise by Anna Carey

It's over and I'm sad. I'm happy with the book but I'm just totally sad & bummed that there will be no more of Eve or Caleb or anyone from this world, really. Sad times here...

Severed Heads, Broken Hearts by Robyn Schneider

So, the title alone is like...whaaaat?! I heard about this book on the Epic Reads ARC party and I knew I wanted to read it from that moment forward. The title is just enough to grab your attention, right?

In The After by Demitria Lunetta

I've heard so many things about this book already and the cover is just totally awesome (I'm in a cover mood today, can't you tell?). I can't wait to read this and see what the hype is all about.

The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead

I'm going to be honest, I haven't read any of the Bloodlines books yet but I saw this book at Strand Bookstore (NYC) for $9 before it was even released and snagged it up. I really liked Vampire Academy and now that I have the first three Bloodlines books, I can take the time to read them back to back to back; it's quite exciting.

Other books gotten this past month:

Override by Heather Anastasiu
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans (signed)
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Sever by Lauren DeStefano
You Know What You Have To Do by Bonnie Shimko
Sketchy by Olivia Samms
Also Known As by Robin Benway (signed)
Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black (signed)


  1. omg! I am so sad you didn't enjoy Reboot! I am REALLY excited for it!
    As for Fragments.. I need to pick up the first book, Partials (i do own a copy) and read it! I heard the best things about it

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Oh man, that was from last week's MM and I somehow forgot to write my own...I was really confused by your comment so I had to go back & look. I feel like a fool for missing that lol but I haven't read it yet and I can't wait to read it! :)

  2. A nice mix of reads, enjoy!

  3. What an amazing haul! I see many sequels to books I have yet to read. Enjoy your new books!


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