Mailbox Mondays was originated by Marcia @ A Girl & Her Books. This month it is currently hosted at Unabridged Chick. You can check out all the blogs it'll be hosted at for the rest of 2013 here!

I recently finished this. Now, I didn't go into it with high expectations, because I like to keep an open mind. The story was very different. It was just the characters. I had a hard time relating. All in all, quick and easy read in half a day.
Wildefire by Karsten Knight 

Okay, so I follow Karsten on twitter, yet I hadn't read any of his books. So, as of right now, I will, and so far, I'm really liking this one and I'm pretty positive I'll be reading the rest of the trilogy.

I was so intrigued by this book when I read the synopsis, but sadly, I couldn't finish it. It just wasn't for me.
Sleeping Handsome by Jean Haus 

I think it was the cover that got me into this. Ha. It's short, sweet and totally different.
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