Jan 28, 2013

Young Adult Giveaway Hop

Thanks to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & BookLove101 for hosting this fantastic giveaway hop!

Of course, I had to sign up for this hop because 95% of what I read is Young Adult so I have plenty of stuff I would love to give away. It took me awhile to decide what I wanted to give away and I think I chose a pretty good prize, if I do say so myself!

Curious to see what it is?

 How about a signed copy of Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout?

Remember, this prize can be won by anyone, anywhere...and you know you want to own this!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm afraid to admit it, but yes I have, I try not to do it too often. I'm starting to re-train myself not to judge a book by it's cover! lol

    1. I know. I wish I didn't but sometimes you can't help it. Sometimes the cover is so breathtakingly beautiful that you don't even care what it's about, you must read it. And sadly, the opposite is the case, too. Some amazing books just don't get the justice they deserve on the cover.

  2. Ohhh, do I... I am one of those people that buy a book just based on its cover and cover alone, LOL! I'm a beautiful cover sucker! :D
    Thanks for a giveaway! :)

  3. Yes and no, before in the bookstore, if the cover is catching, I'd look for those books first, then I'd look for the others books.
    Now I don't have time to go to the bookstore, so now I trust book reviewers (and bloggers) about books and read them if I like the summary, and in those case the cover doesn't matter :)

  4. Yes I do.. what can I say? I'm a sucker for pretty covers :)
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. I try not to but I do. A cover is mostly the first thing you see about a book so it's hard not to judge.

  6. Yes! I do judge the book by its cover... I can' help it!

  7. Not gonna lie..I can't read a book with a cover that doesn't please me. :)

  8. I love a pretty cover as much as the next person, but what makes the ultimate "try a sample" decision for me is actually the summary. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Yes, I have to admit I do jusdge a book by it's cover. If the cover is ridiculously bad I won't even read the summary and if it's pretty I'll reach for it immediatly. But in the end the summary is the deal breaker.

  10. It does often determine whether I will pick it up at first, that is what catches my attention. But often even just a title will. And I always try to read the summary on the back cover before I even decide for sure.

  11. Occasionally! The cover is usually the first thing that catches my eye but if the cover is ugly and it has good reviews I'd still pick it up.

  12. Often the cover is what attracts me to the book in the first place, but if the back blurb is boring I won't read it. Sadly, if the cover doesn't hook me, I don't even look at the back.

  13. I totally judge a book by its cover. lol I can't help it! I'll read something even if it has an ugly cover, but if it is intriguing, different, or pretty, I'll look up more about it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Yeah, the books with amazing covers always get moved up on my to-read priority list

  15. it can happens, sometimes i'm drawn to a book by it's cover but before buying i always check the summary

    thank you so much for this opportnity to win a signed book! an dthis signed book even more^^

  16. Unfortunately I do! Can't help it :P
    Rafflecopter Name: Nara Lee

  17. Yes, I'm guilty of judging a book by its cover. It's just something I can't control. :P

  18. Yes! That's one of the reasons why I love YA books. The covers are so beautiful!

  19. Yes I judge it. The cover catches my eye then I have to read it.

  20. I always do, sometimes I pick/buy a book because of its cover :)

  21. I don't judge a book by its cover. I usually read some of the reviews and the synopsis before reading it.

  22. From time to time yes. I'm a sucker for gorgeous covers:)

  23. The cover is definitely a consideration in my choice of books!

  24. Yes, I have judged a book by it's cover more times than I'd like to admit! I've picked books due to them having really great looking covers, dull covers, annoying covers, etc. I admit it. I do indeed judge a book by its cover!

    Shelly H

  25. Yes! I think covers are very important! :)

  26. Yeah, sometimes. Many times the cover attracts me first and after that I read the blurb. But at the same time I've read many books with very simple and not that pretty cover, and most of them were amazing. I really try not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it's hard xD

  27. I do judge a book by its cover, but that is only when the blurb is just as convincing.


  28. Yes. I get attracted by beautiful or creepy covers and I often ignore books whose covers I don't like. :D

  29. I so do. i will buy one just by the cover itself!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. Great question! I have to say yes/no because I do love books that have beautiful cover but I also read the summary in the books and if the summary holds my intrest than I buy the book thanks for the givaway!!!!

  31. I don't judge a book by it's cover, but the cover usually draws me in to read what the book is about. :)

  32. Unfortunately, I do. The cover is what attracts me to a book. But I'm trying to stop this judge-a-book-by-its-cover habit by automatically reading the summary first without looking at the cover... though I admit, even if the summary is great, my heart drops if the cover is unattractive =\

  33. It depends but I can't say that it doesn't influence my opinion. After all, it's the first thing you see and having a beautiful object in hand is always a pleasure! Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  34. Yes, I do. If it doesn't catch my eye, I move on.

  35. What a great giveaway!! The cover is fantastic as well. :D

  36. Sometimes, but it's not the main criteria!
    Karina V

  37. Yes, I really do that:">/ Thank you for the giveaway!

  38. I totally judge books that way. I have been both pleasantly surprised and terribly disappointed by the insides.

  39. I mostly look for my books on goodreads or other online places and I usually look at the ratings first and then I look at the cover. So I look more towards the ratings, I guess. But when I look for books in person I look at the cover and then the blurb. I don't like having the physical copy if I don't like the cover, if that's the case, I just get the ebook. Thank you for the giveaway! I love this series, I would love to have a physical copy.

  40. Yes, I do, though I read the summaries too. I think the cover sets the tone for the book, if it's done right. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. I do judge a book by it's cover most of the time. But I will read a book with a bad cover if it is highly recommended to me.

  42. Not always but sometimes I do! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  43. Yes, I do! I don't do just by the cover, but a pretty cover ALWAYS draws my attention. But that doesn't mean I don't read books with... lesser covers or that I read a book just because the cover is pretty!

  44. Honestly, i sometimes judge a book buy it's cover (shame on me)

  45. Sometimes, it depends. Mostly i read reviews :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  46. I admit I do! I can't help it if I'm attracted to pretty covers. But before I buy them I make sure that I'm either interested in the summary or it is loved by my bookish friends on Goodreads.

  47. Honestly, I do. I check the cover and if it looks interesting, I will check out the back cover. Whether in the bookstore or online, the cover is the first thing I see and it has to draw my attention. If somebody has recommended the book to me though, I will check out the synopsis and then the cover.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. I do indeed, covers mean a lot, they have to make me want to pick up a book, no pretty cover then that book doesn't make it into my hands

  49. I am often drawn to a book by it's cover and will pick it up and read the back because the cover caught my eye. If I do not like the cover, I will probably not pick it up. Thanks for the giveaway!

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

  50. I find that covers are really important. They draw me in, pique my interest and cause me to automatically check the synopsis for further insight! :)

  51. ...-failure- I USUALLY do. I admit it. Now sometimes if someone goes : "This book is amazing, look at it" I will. I didn't do it when I was younger, which was how I fell in love with Tamora Pierce - most of her older books were not all too pretty in my opinion coverwise. So its not like I have any reason to judge, I just...like pretty things. :x

  52. Sort of. If the cover's interesting, that's when I read the blurb and decide to buy/read the book. It's the first thing you see, right? So it has to be eye-catching.

  53. I do because if the cover looks pretty I 'think' the book will be interesting too. haha

  54. Do you judge a book by it's cover?
    Not often, but sometimes when I see an interesting Cover I buy the book just to see if the Cover matches with the story :D

  55. Oh, I definitely judge books by their cover. If I'm trying to justify that decision, I'll say that it's because if a lot of time was spent on the cover, a lot of time was also probably spent on the book/editing, so it'll be better, right?

  56. Not really judge ..but I do like pretty covers I mean if I want a book and there are 2covers available id pick the one i like more..
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. yes, sometimes i like books only by their covers, but of course that the content its better!

  58. Yes.. a book cover is supposed to express the tone of the book.


  59. I admit, that yes I do.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  60. I totally judge, but I never buy without looking up reviews.

  61. I have to admit that it does attract me to a book. But if the blurb doesn't sound good, it doesn't matter how pretty it is I won't buy it.

  62. Yes, I do, at least sometimes. But I always read the back and flap copy, too, and that often changes things :)
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  63. Thanks for the giveaway! Sometimes I do and I am usually right because most books with bad covers are bad, but I usually look at the title, it says it all!
    -Cali W.

  64. Well, yes I do. I'm a cover lover. I know it sounds unfair, but the more I interested with the cover, the more I'm willing to buy the book. Sometimes I bought a book just because I loved the cover *grin*

    Thanks for this giveaway. Actually, I already had this book. But a signed one from Jennifer would be awesome!!

  65. Yeah, all the time. Thanks for Giveaway

  66. Haha all the time! (and judging by its cover this one looks AWESOME!!!)

  67. I'm all for gorgeous covers, but I'm more of a judge-by-a-synopsis kind of person. If you don't have me sold by the blurb, chances are that I probably won't read it.

  68. No, since several times I encountered story which not as great as the cover. But I do judge the cover whether I like it or not, whether it worth my shelf or not, even if I'm not that interested in the synopsis. :D
    And thank you for the giveaway! I haven't read any books by JL Armentrout, but I do know that the covers are great and worth to be my collection. :D

  69. I'm such a sucker for a pretty cover. I am currently contemplating buying the sequel to a book I didn't even like just because its got a gorgeous cover. I know. I have an issue :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. absolutely !!
    i always buy the book for the cover...

  71. yes and no, If I find a cover really appealing, I will purchase it no matter what. If a cover turns me off, I have to make myself look at the blurb to see if I like it.

  72. Yes, I sometimes find myself feel regret when I read a book and found out that there's more to it than it seems. It just so happen that the cover wasn't appropriate for the story or it just wasn't given justice.

    -Riz B.

  73. I totally do. There's this book I pick up every single time I'm in the library. The cover is just so... so... *sigh* Words cannot express. Then I read the synopsis (Every. Single. Time.) and get mad at the book for not being as good as the cover. I am also insanely annoyed by prom dresses on covers. They make me not want to read those books.

  74. I have to admit I do jusdge a book by it's cover. Thank you for the giveaway!

  75. Gorgeous covers attract my attention but I do not buy and/or read books based solely on their covers. The blurb also has to intrigue me or circulating buzz put it on my radar. On the other hand, if I see a book with an unappealing or cheesy cover and I wasn't already aware of the book, I usually just pass it by.

  76. Yeah, I do.... I love pretty covers.

  77. Yes I do. I judge a book by it's cover and the author too.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  78. The cover does make a difference.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. Yeah I have to admit that I do judge, the cover is supposed to reflect the book and grab my attention so I'll admit It's takes a lot more effort to get me to pick up a book if the cover isn't that great looking.

  80. to be honest i do. if the cover attracts me then i will pick it up to read the synopsis. the two combined help me decide to read it if i don't know the author, etc.

  81. Yeah, I totally do. It has to catch my attention somehow! And I just love pretty covers!

  82. Sometimes I read a book because of the cover. Honestly the first thing that makes me want to pick up a book to read the back is a cover (same thing when browsing online. The cover is the first impression.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  83. Hehe, yes, sometimes I buy books just because they have beautiful covers.
    I like to touch the book over and over and then admire it on the shelf. :)

  84. Yeah, it usually affects my first impression of a book; I`m a sucker for covers, lol.

  85. Truth to be told,yes,I do.The cover's what intrigues me first in a book.Sometimes they turn about to be great too.

  86. I tend to, to an extent. A cover is often what intrigues me to look at the book and check it out. If not for an interesting cover, my eyes might have kept moving to the next book. Also when a cover it trite or boring I tend to expect the same from the book and may not bother to investigate farther. There are always exceptions to the rule though.

  87. Yes, I have to admit I do judge a book by it's cover. If the cover is ridiculously bad I won't even read the summary and if it's beautiful I'll try to buy it. But I make the decision in the end if I like the summary and the rating on Goodreads .

  88. A lot of times I do, yes. I have to admit, the more eye catching the cover, the more I'm drawnin.

  89. Yeah, but itS the first impression. If i'm in a book store and I see I cover thatS pretty or represent the kind of book I like, I will read the back before any other.

  90. If I'm not looking for a particular author and just browsing I do :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  91. I have often picked up books because of the cover. That is the initial draw for me quite often, but then it is the synopsis that usually hooks me. :) Thank you for your generous participation in the fun.

  92. Kind of...I dont discount a book if I dont like the cover, I find I am more likely to read a book if I am drawn in by the cover though :)
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  93. I hate to say it but yes.. I always notice the cover first... It's not a good thing but I've been trying to change for some time now and I think I've made a progress.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  94. Yes, I usually do. Rarely do you have an opportunity to get to talk to someone you normally wouldn't to get to know them and judge them based on THEM and not their "cover". lol

  95. Actually, I do. The cover is what draws me in.

  96. Yes, it usually my judge first, if new author for me.
    I really love to buy books with beautiful cover.

  97. In a perfect world I'd have unlimited time to indivudually look at every single book -- in the real world, a great cover catches my eye and gets me to check out the book. Once the book is in my hands, it's up to the author to keep it there. I've put down many a book with a fabulous cover and a poorly written blurb.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  98. Yes, it attracts my attention, but the blurb is what makes me decide to read the book.

  99. Sometimes... But it's usually the summary that I decide whether I want to read it or not. A beautiful cover and a not-so-interesting summary = TBR. :P

  100. Sometimes. I mean, I don't care if a book has an ugly cover, but there are books that I just fall in love with the cover and I feel that I must read them

  101. Yes. If I like the cover, I will read the back and decide if it is something I am interested in.

  102. Truthfully, i have on more than one occassion and on more than one occassion been proved wrong. I've seen books with great covers that are bad, and bad covers that are great books. A title plays a huge role in wether a book peaks my curiosity. If it's a good title but bad cover I'll still read the blurb.

  103. *facepalm* Yes, I do. But I try my best not to, since my fave reads were the books I judged by their covers.

  104. Yes I do,I am a sucker for beautiful covers!

  105. Yes. If I don't like the cover there is a very small chance that I will actually buy the book

  106. not judge but sometimes influnce me to buy book

  107. Sometimes. I am more inclined to buy a book with a pretty cover. Sometimes covers just suck!


    raffle name: Nikki O

  108. Sadly yes. But I'm trying to overcome it.

  109. Sometimes, though I like to hear about a book before I judge it.

  110. Sometimes, but a great blurb is what really catches my attention.

  111. Yes i do. If the book sounds okay but the cover isn't very good (as in I dont like it) then I wont read it.

  112. I do, because honestly, so much of the time I pick up a book because of its cover. If it catches my eye, and the summary on the back looks promising, I'll read it.

  113. It depends on the situation, but yes, definitely. A lot of times I got out shopping for books knowing exactly what I'm looking for, but sometimes I got just to browse, or while searching for a specific book a new book catches my eye because of the cover and if the blurb sounds good and/or the reviews are good, I may pick it up!

  114. Absolutely! Of course, I'm not always right, but I do judge.

  115. I do D:! And sadly the stories aren't as good as the covers. I don't buy them on impulse anymore though, I do good research on Goodreads first :)

  116. Oh yeah! I think most people do, even the ones who don't admit it.
    Penny Pe

  117. Yes, I do and I've bought and not bought books because of what the cover looked like.

  118. Yes I do, lol
    Thank you for the giveaway!


  119. Yes I do.

  120. Why yes, Yes I do. Thanks for the Giveaway!

  121. Often times a cover can make the difference in whether or not a book catches my attention, but ultimately, if I read the synopsis and it doesn't appeal to me, I won't read it no matter how pretty the cover is.

  122. Absolutely, I do. If somebody tells me that a book is great, however, and I'm not thrilled by the cover, I would probably still read it. But, if I have never heard of the book before, I will often judge it based on the cover. Thank you so much for this giveaway, I would LOVE to win a signed JLA book!!

  123. Yes i do judge a book by it's cover but also by the blurb :)

  124. Yeah, I definitely judge books by their covers.


  125. Yes, honestly I do! I know it's bad, but even some book covers are nice, but when you read the back...it's like blah blah blah..so back on the shelf it goes.

  126. Sometimes. I mean, if a book cover catches my eye, I will definitely read the synopsis to see if it sounds good.

  127. Thats what ususally gets me to pick a book up. But I've found some great books with crappy covers before and vise-versa.


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