Dec 26, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: Most Aniticipated 2015 Releases {Day 5}

I know I'm going to be forgetting books after I make this list but here we go with my top 10 of my most anticipated 2015 releases. Some I've already but I need to own the hardcover & hug it (plus, I think you should read).

One last time, let's do this!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard - I do have this in my possession and I'm dying to read it. It's right up my alley as high fantasy and everyone I know that's read it, has raved about it so I'm so freaking excited. Also, that cover is quite amazing, is it not?!

Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir - I have this book sitting on my shelf and like so many other fantasy series, I hear this is amazing and a perfect fit for me. I've been tempted to read it for quite some time now but I've been really good with restraining myself. That might change soon ;)

Untitled by Sarah J. Maas - This is the fourth Throne of Glass book and OMG do I need this in my life, like, yesterday! This shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you, right?

The Cage by Megan Shepherd - A new series from Megan? I'm there. This book sounds so great and she's made me a fan of her from her first series, The Madman's Daughter!

A Cold Legacy by Megan Shepherd - I'm keeping the tradition going! Three years in a row, the first book I read was a book from this series. I'm saving it for January 1 and I cannot wait! The conclusion, I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it!

Fairest & Winter by Marissa Meyer - I put these together since it's from the same series and they both come out in 2015. I am so in love with this series and I need both of these books (especially Winter) like I need air.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - I admit it . . . I have yet to read anything by Leigh Bardugo but I've met her twice. She's amazing & her books sound amazing. Don't fret, I'm reading the Grisha trilogy in the beginning of 2015 so I can officially say I'm a fan of her writing, not just her amazing personality!

Rogue by Julie Kagawa - Does this surprise you? I'm a huge fan of Julie and every year I'm looking forward to at least one book of hers (or more, if she has more than one being released). I need more dragons & Riley in my life. I can't wait!

Nowhere by Here by Katie McGarry - A new series by Katie McGarry? I am SO THERE! I'm not a big contemp fan but she is one of two YA authors who I will read (and love) no matter what. She HAS to be on this list because I cannot wait!

Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout - The conclusion & we find out who won the fan poll (don't fret, it has to be Roth). I'm so excited - this series is so much fun, filled with sexy time with a great story, world and characters!

What are YOU looking forward to reading in 2015?!

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