Oct 25, 2012

Blog Tour: Conjure by Lea Nolan Review

Conjure by Lea Nolan
(The Hoodoo Apprentice, #1)
Release Date: October 23, 2012
Publisher: Entangled; 314 pages
Be careful what you search for...

Emma Guthrie expects this summer to be like any other in the South Carolina Lowcountry--hot and steamy with plenty of beach time alongside her best friend and secret crush, Cooper Beaumont, and Emma’s ever-present twin brother, Jack. But then a mysterious eighteenth-century message in a bottle surfaces, revealing a hidden pirate bounty. Lured by the adventure, the trio discovers the treasure and unwittingly unleashes an ancient Gullah curse that attacks Jack with the wicked flesh-eating Creep and promises to steal Cooper’s soul on his approaching sixteenth birthday.

When a strange girl appears, bent on revenge; demon dogs become a threat; and Jack turns into a walking skeleton; Emma has no choice but to learn hoodoo magic to undo the hex, all before summer—and her friends--are lost forever.

I will start out with the one thing that bothered me the most. The ages of these characters. Every YA book I've read, the characters have been anywhere from 16 - 18 so coming across the main characters who are 14 & 15 are a little off putting. I understand, with the story, why they're so young but I don't know. I would have liked to seen these characters a bit older than what they are. But alas, it is what it is. I just find myself having a hard time really getting in to the story with such young characters for YA. Again, this is my personal opinion on it...

With that being said, it might have effected my rating for this book because I had a hard time getting past that. (Don't ask me why, exactly? Maybe I didn't find it so believable with them being as young as they were?) The story itself was really great. I've never read any Hoodoo books before so it was pretty great. I've read my share of witch books so it's very similar. I like them. I really loved Miss Delia - she would be a great person to learn from. Her attitude and outlook on everything is just so positive and inspiring.

I really like the main character, Emma. I especially like the relationship she has with her twin brother, Jack, who looks nothing like her. Then you add in Cooper, who is Jack's best friend and Emma's crush - it just is perfect. They all have a close bond together and work well off one another's personalities. I don't think they would've accomplished what they had if they didn't mesh so well together or if you would've taken one of these people out of the equation I doubt they would've been successful. Or well, as successful as they were...

I am curious to see how the next book is going to play out. Well, I'm sure I'll know how it'll play out but it'll be exciting to see how they get there. What obstacles will be put before them in order to reach their goal.

If you are looking for something different but still with a supernatural appeal to it, I would definitely recommend checking out this book. If you like books with a magic element to it then you'll definitely be interested in this, as well.

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